30. ハーフのお友達にインタビュー(English & Japanese mixed conversation)

企画(きかく):a project, a planning
合格(ごうかく):pass an examination
生まれる(うまれる):be born
頭が良い(あたまがよい):clever, wise
英国(えいこく):the UK
紳士(しんし):a gentleman
ラジオ体操(たいそう):Radio Exercise
餅つき(もちつき):pounding steamed rice to make rice cake
節分(せつぶん):the day before the beginning of spring
校歌(こうか):a school song
補習校(ほしゅうこう):supplementary school
穴埋め問題(あなうめもんだい):a fill-in-the-blank question
転校する(てんこうする):to transfer to another school
比べる(くらべる):to compare
家庭(かてい):a home, a family
違い(ちがい):a difference
タイ米(たいまい):rice produced in Thai-Land (Japanese rice : Jasmine rice)
玄米(げんまい):brown rice, unpolished rice
もち: rice cake
飽きる(あきる):to get tired of sth
意外と(いがいと):unexpectedly, surprisingly
自動販売機(じどうはんばいき):a bending machine
美術館(びじゅつかん):an art museum
才能(さいのう):a gift, a talent
下手(へた):be bad at sth

29. 暑さに耐えられない(We can't stand the heat) けど、遊びましょう(Let's hand out)!


エアコン:an air conditioner
一軒家(いっけんや):a solitary house
マンション:an apartment
地球温暖化(ちきゅうおんだんか):global warming
~いわく:~say(s) that
独特(どくとく):distinctive, unique
完備(かんび):to be fully equipped
節電(せつでん):save electricity
30分おき:every 30 minutes
廊下(ろうか):a corridor
熱心(ねっしん):enthusiasm, eagerness
授業中(じゅぎょうちゅう):while in class
伝言ゲーム(でんごんゲーム):telephone game, Chinese whispers
伝える(つたえる):convey, tell
つけっぱなし:to keep sth on (e.g. keep the TV on)
辛い(つらい):hard, painful
扇風機(せんぷうき):an electric fun
迷信(めいしん):a superstition

【Main part】
遊ぶ(あそぶ):to play, to hang out
しゃべる:to talk, to chat
サイゼリヤ”:a chain restaurant
ドリンクバー:free refills
順番に(じゅんばんに):in order
選ぶ(えらぶ):to choose
疲れる(つかれる): to get tired, to be exhausted
仲良し(なかよし):a close friend
目的(もくてき):a purpose
個室(こしつ):a private room
口ずさむ(くちずさむ):to hum
気(き)をつかう:to take good care of sth/sb, to be considerate
歌広場(うたひろば):a chain Karaoke shop
料金(りょうきん):a charge, a price
ワンドリンク制(せい):You need to order at least one drink.
都内(とない):the Tokyo Metropolitan area
朝活(あさかつ):using early morning time for some other activity
新商品(しんしょうひん)・新作(しんさく):a new product/good
忙しい(いそがしい):to be busy
放課後(ほうかご):after school
~なう:I am doing something now. (e.g. 仕事なう=I’m doing work now.)
~わず:I did something. (e.g. 仕事わず=I did work/ finished work.)
通り(とおり):an avenue
階(かい):a floor
スポーツ観戦(かんせん):sport watching
ラウンドワン:Round One
卓球(たっきゅう):table tennis
種類(しゅるい):a kind, a sort
室内(しつない):inside a room

27. もうすぐ七夕(the festival of stars)! 悪夢(nightmare)をもう見ませんように...


収録する(しゅうろくする): to record

発見する(はっけんする): to find

温かいコメント(あたたかいコメント): kind comments

掲載される(けいさいされる): appear in



1バイリンガールちか (チャンネル…ジャパナゴスJapanagos)

被り物(かぶりもの): a head mask


進化する(しんかする): to evolve

鍵盤ハーモニカ(けんばんハーモニカ): melodica


・七夕(たなばた) the star festivalについて

伝説(でんせつ): legend



天の川(あまのがわ): the milky way

短冊(たんざく): strips of paper

願い事(ねがいごと): wish

笹(ささ): bamboo

つるす: to hang

~ますように: I hope ~

旧暦(きゅうれき): the old Japanese calendar


就職(しゅうしょく): to get a job

再来年(さらいねん): the year after next

単位(たんい): credit


・悪夢(あくむ) a nightmareについて

組織(そしき): an organisation

臓器(ぞうき): organ

ノーベル賞(のーべるしょう): a Nobel prize

私を離さないで Never Let Me Go

あらすじ: story line

朝活(あさかつ): using early morning time for some other activity

一時期(いちじき): for a while

婚活(こんかつ): marriage hunting

妊活(にんかつ): trying to conceive

有効活用する(ゆうこうかつようする): to use effectively

開放される(かいほうされる): be freed from

遮断する(しゃだんする): to cut off

Episode 17, Transcript (translated into English)

Recommended Food in Okinawa and Hokkaido

Hello Everybody! Today is the 17th Lesson.

It’s nice number. “Lucky Seven”.


I think most of you in your countries like this number “Seven”, isn’t it?

I’m not so sure though but usually if we mention the number ‘7”, people would probably think of “Lucky Seven”.

Exactly. “Lucky Seven” is often called for the number seven and it is a good number. (Laugh)

OK with this lucky number, let’s start our podcast with enjoyable conversation!

In our previous podcast, Ms Pipi was invited to share with us about Love and Romance conversation, a rather irregular type of conversation lesson. Today we shall return to normal conversation lesson. So please give us your support.

OK, let’s start with talking about our recent updates. Kayuko chan would you like to start first?

Kayuko: Recently, I went to Portugal for holiday.

Mizuho: Wow! How do you say in English? Por…, Portuguese?

Kayuko: I came back two days ago.

Mizuho: Ototoi means the day before yesterday.

Kayuko. Yes. It was very enjoyable! The scenery of Portugal was beautiful. The colourful buildings were also beautiful. I went to two cities in Portugal and these two cities were rather different in their atmosphere. It was really enjoyable and I think it is suitable for women to tour such places.

Mizuho: Is it because they are safe places for women to go?

Kayuko: Yes, safe place. I took some Instagram photo as well. There are also many places for good food.

Mizuho; Portugal’s local food?

Kayuko: Mostly seafood. I also ate Tapas and it was delicious although Tapas is Spain’s local food.

Mizuho: Sorry for the change of topic. When you were talking about the day before yesterday, I remember when I was a child, in kindergarten or elementary school, I was not able to remember the days such as “Tomorrow, day after tomorrow and 2 days after tomorrow”, “Today, Yesterday and Day before Yesterday”. So I memorized these words in rhythm – “Ashita (Tomorrow), Assate (day after tomorrow), shi asatte (2 Days after Tomorrow)”, “Kyo (Today, Kino(Yesterday), Ototoi (Day before yesterday)”

So if you cannot remember such days, do sing along in rhythm and they can be so easy to be remembered!

Kakio: Yes. Sometimes I also get confused with tomorrow and the day after tomorrow even till now.

Mizuho: Yes, sometimes it happens at that moment, you are just unable to say out the day correctly. (Laugh) Anyway let’s sing with rhythm to remember correctly for your reference.

Mizuho: OK so my turn for update. In my previous podcast episode, you probably have known that I talked about my boyfriend, Kame san. Kame san is his nickname by the way. I celebrated his birthday for the first time and hence was very anxious. Because birthday is a very important day, I was wondering what present should I buy for him, what should I do for him on that day and so on. 

Kayuko: What did you do on that day?

Mizuho: Anyway, it was not a very special way of celebrating. My flat mates and I decided to celebrate with him during midnight when it passed midnight and wished him “Happy Birthday” and gave him present.

Kame san’s friend (childhood friend) – “Osanai najimi” which means childhood friend, about seven of us went to the restaurant and had dinner together to celebrate. Anyway, we had an enjoyable night.

Kayuko: That was great!

Mizuho: Ok let’s get into our main topic now.

Kayuko: Aren’t you going to talk about the part about greetings?

Mizuho. Oh yes, now I remember. Today, when I was going to school, my friend said to me, ”How are things going?” “How are you?” is the usual standard greeting though but when being asked a different greeting like this, I was stunned and did not know what to reply at that instant.

When I asked a native English speaker friend, she told me it is ok and you don’t have to reply. You can simply say “I’m fine, thanks” if you want.

In Japan, it’s really different. When we are greeted, we have to reply the greeting question no matter what. Such as “Today, I woke up, went to school, ate lunch and now I am studying.”

Kayuko: Indeed. In Japan, we are expected to reply a greeting question in detail.

Kayuko: In English “What’s up? How are you?”. It is not used as a greeting but also a part of the conversation as a start. Not really a serious part of conversation.

Mizuho. Yes and now I have understood that difference. In Japanese, there is no such. That’s my conclusion. (Laugh)

Mizuho: OK finally let’s start our main conversation. So, what will we be talking?

Kayuko: Okinawa and Hokkaido food.

Mizuho. Great! That’s my speciality!

Kayuko: I received request about recommendation of food from Okinawa and Hokkaido if they want to tour there.

Mizuho: Mizuho who is a food lover will answer to these as well.

And after that, I will teach a little about music and song lyrics meanings in the podcast.

Kayuko: I went to Okinawa three years ago and was on a school tour.

Mizuho. Me too.

Kayuko: “Goya champuru”– this food is very bitter. (vegetable)

Mizuho: Do you like this food since you were a child?

Kayuko: I really like this food since I was a child. My father was doing gardening and grew this “goya”, and hence I ate frequently.

Mizuho: I didn’t like this food when I was a child as it is bitter. My mother sometimes will cook this food and I had no choice but had to eat some. When I went to Okinawa, I ate “Goya champuru” and began to gradually like this food as it brought back good memory of my school trip in Okinawa. Although it is bitter, this food is good for health. So please try it.

Kayuko:  And Souki Soba as well.

Mizuho: You can probably eat Ramen easily even in overseas or London. But for specialty soba shop, it’s not so frequently seen. This soba (noodle) shop which is specialty in soba, you probably seldom see hand made in other parts of Japan. The ingredient, Wheat or buckwheat, most of them don’t get to be exported to other countries, so you can only taste this in Japan.

Kayuko: For those who have allergy on wheat, maybe you have to take note.

Souki Soba is taste like Ramen, not really the typical Soba texture and taste.

Kayuko: Souki Soba I am not sure is it really Soba. (Laugh)

Mizuho: Do you like?

Kayuko: Hmm, actually I don’t really like Souki Soba. Have you tried before?

Mizuho: Yes I have eaten. I don’t quite remember. I don’t think I dislike the taste of this soba but I won’t say I like this soba very much too. Just average for me. But it is a popular food.

Kayuko: And how about Ice? (Ice-cream)?named Blue -Seal ice-cream shop is  also famous (https://en.blueseal.co.jp/).

Mizuho: Sata antaki – Round donuts.

Kayuko: Really round doughnuts. (Laugh) which is Kyutai – globe or a ball shape. Really delicious. My friends often make these donuts during Valentine’s day. It’s easy to make these.  Because most women will give chocolate so giving donuts is really different.

Mizuho: Now I remember, another food is “Beni – imotaru” it is good as souvenir. (http://www.okistyle.com/a2z/?p=2588 )Beni is Sweet potato in purple colour, filled with “imo”(yam).  on top is “cheeseco”, short bread which looks like the short bread in UK here. There are a variety of tastes and It’s really delicious, so please do try this food.


Kayuko: When you were on school tour, you rented a “Minpaku”. “Minpaku” is renting a private home, something like home stay.

Mizuho: Yes at that time, I had taste Okinawa food. I cooked together with my host family and ate together. We fried the food and then ate immediately. It was really delicious. For those who went for tour, I am not sure whether you have tried home stay or not but for Japanese like us, if you live in Kanto region, and you tour Okinawa, you will feel that the culture of Okinawa is different from Kanto. It was really enjoyable and a memorable experience for me. 

Ok to summarise, my recommendations are Cheeseco alike Beni sweet potato for souvenir to be bought back to your country.

Kayuko: Yes and Goya champuru, if you eat this, you probably may like it. (Laugh)

Mizuho: Ok now let’s talk about Hokkaido food. When did you go to Hokkaido?

Kayuko: I cannot really remember. Think it was when I was around 10 years old.

Mizuho. I see. That was about 10 years ago?

Kayuko: Yes. That’s why I cannot remember much. I think only scenes of some snow falling in that place. Sapporo, snow festival probably that I remember slightly.

Mizuho: I went about 2 or 3 years ago. I went during the summer when I was a University undergraduate. It was not very hot during summer but rather cooling. Really comfortable during summer.

Kayuko: Hokkaido is situated the most northern part in Japan. That’s why, when it is winter, it is really very cold while during summer, it is cooling and not very hot.

Mizuho. Yes and Okinawa is the most southern part of Japan.

Mizuho: Yes, it is easy in summer of Hokkaido. Snow festival is very famous for most people to go to Hokkaido during that time. But I am going to talk about Summer in Hokkaido here. In Japan, summer can be rather humid and really difficult to be outdoors. Therefore, Hokkaido is a place where people want to escape the hot and humid summer in Japan. That’s why I would recommend Summer in Hokkaido. The food I will recommend first is Genghis Khan (Mongolian Barbeque).  Mostly barbeque food such as mutton. We seldom eat mutton in Japan.

And seafood is famous. “Kaisen Don” – seafood in rice is very delicious!

Personally, I would recommend this! “Kaiten Zushi” – Sushi chains (conveyor belt sushi) named “Tori Ton”( http://toriton-kita1.jp/) and” Nemuro Hanamaru” (http://www.sushi-hanamaru.com/la_en/) in Hokkaido only. There are probably some in Tokyo but maybe just one or two chains there and usually very crowded.

Kayuko: That must be really very delicious!

Mizuho: Seafood don is more popular dish for tourists whereas Sushi chains in Hokkaido are more localised and for local residents. Hence, I think you can really taste the localised food with the Hokkaido residents.

And… I get tired speaking so much. (Laugh)

Kayuko: (Laugh) I have not really been to Hokkaido so I cannot talk much about it.

Mizuho: And soup curry which is curry rice that does not taste so heavy texture like the typical Japanese curry rice. This is really soupy texture. Really delicious!

Sapporo, the city of Hokkaido and the place next to Sapporo called Otaru is really beautiful.

There is a shop named “Rutao” cheese cake shop which is very famous.

Kayuko: Otaru – “Rutao “ famous cheesecake, I want to eat!

Mizuho: Then there is famous cookie “White Lovers” in Otaru. And “Rokkatei”, chocolate shop is very famous. Rokkatei is the main store where you can also find “White Lovers” cookies there. The famous ice-cream “Butter sand”, a cookie that taste like ice cream in Rokkatei (https://matcha-jp.com/en/2751)

Kayuko: I want to eat!

Mizuho: The “White Lovers” also has a cookie factory where you can tour around and you can try the speciality ice-cream there. You can probably buy those Hokkaido souvenirs in Tokyo as well but for ice- cream, you can only taste there in Hokkaido and hence I really recommend this.

Kayuko: Oh I really want to go! Recently, I read the news that tomorrow is the beginning of Golden Week. Golden week in Japan is like summer vacation (national holiday) which takes about 1 week. This year, we have about 10 days of Golden week. Hence it is longer than the usual.

Mizuho: So as what Prime Minister Abe said, it is good for economic growth when tourism increase during this golden week.

Kayuko: During golden week, people go to popular places like Okinawa and Hokkaido.

Mizuho: Okinawa can be too hot to visit but if in May, it is still not too hot. Summer in Hokkaido is not hot and hence really popular among tourists.

Oh you can also take the bullet train to Hokkaido. You can take from main lands such as Honshu, Tokyo by bullet train. Really unexpected right?

Kayuko: Is it?

Mizuho: Quite similar to Europe style train I guess. Underground the water maybe? I can research on it. Maybe in a tunnel…

Kayuko: Mizuho, your last recommendation is?

Mizuho: Moyiwayama (Moiwa Primeval Forest)– where it is famous for its night view. Although it can be very cold as it is on top of mountain but really beautiful at night. There is ropeway so you don’t have to walk all the way up to the mountain.( http://www.sapporo.travel/find/nature-and-parks/mount_moiwayama/?lang=en)

Mizuho: The next corner, a new corner. I’m a bit nervous now. It’s a song corner. When I am studying English, I try to memorise some of the lyrics so that I can use them in conversation.

Today I will recommend this song from the band “Sukima switch”.

Kayuko: “sukima” means a gap.

Mizuho: Osanzu love – the main theme drama song of love relationship between gay couple.

               (Singing… )

(No translation for singing’s explanation and the questions and answer session)

Mizuho: OK we have talked quite a lot today.

Kayuko: Yes thank you for listening.

Mizuho and Kayuko: Thank you for your support and your reviews in the podcast blog. That’s all for today. Bye bye!


This transcript is from Rikko.

Thank you very much for sending this Rikko!

26. マイク購入(purchase of a microphone)とロンドンの観光スポット(sightseeing spots)

ピンマイク: pin microphone
胸(むね): chest
引っ越し(ひっこし): moving
契約期間(けいやくきかん): contract period
延長する(えんちょうする): to extend
滞在する(たいざいする): to stay
泣きそう(なきそう): about to cry
荷物(にもつ)をまとめる: to put one’s tuff together
イラっとする: to be annoyed
つらい: tough
愚痴(ぐち): complaint

少女漫画(しょうじょまんが): Manga for girls
きゅんとする: My heart skipped a beat
ネタ: joke
ググる: to google it
リア充(りあじゅう): fulfilling life
JK(女子高生、じょしこうせい): a high school girl

観光スポット(かんこうすぽっと): sightseeing spots
港(みなと): port
印象に残る(いんしょうにのこる): to be impressed
除夜の鐘(じょやのかね): the New Year's temple bell
アトラクション: rides
インスタ映え(いんすたばえ): instagrammable
苦戦する(くせんする): to struggle with
~する度に(~するたびに): every time~
店舗(てんぽ): store
日本未上陸(にほんみじょうりく): unreleased in Japan
自動化(じどうか): automation
通過する(つうかする): to pass
おかわり: refill

カルディコーヒー 日本の輸入食品店(an imported food product store)

グリニッジ Greenwich
キューガーデン Kew Gardens
ロンドンニューイヤーイブ花火 London New Year’s Eve Fireworks
ウィンターワンダーランド Hyde Park Winter Wonderland

Whittard (紅茶)
KIKO (コスメ)

25. 哲学(philosophy)とギャンブル(gamble)とアニメ(anime)と...

褒める(ほめる): to praise
貯める(ためる): to accumulate
○月の頭(あたま)、上旬(じょうじゅん): first third of a month
○月の半ば(なかば)、中旬(ちゅうじゅん): second third of a month
○月末(まつ)、下旬(げじゅん): last third of a month
失って初めて気付く(うしなってはじめてきづく): you realize how important something was after you lose it
哲学(てつがく): philosophy
日常(にちじょう): ordinary, everyday, regular
最中(さいちゅう): in the middle of
そのうち: soon, eventually, sooner or later
未成年(みせいねん): a minor (person)
ギャンブル: gamble
危険(きけん): danger
花より男子”: hana yori dango (name of series)
憧れ(あこがれ): aspiration, longing
賭け事(かけごと): betting, gambling
見返り(みかえり): reward, winnings, return
真面目(まじめ): serious
ストレスを発散(はっさん)する: relieve stress, release stress
やってらんない!: I can't take this anymore! I'm so over this!
パチンコ: Pachinko (gambling game)
ゲームセンター(ゲーセン): Game Center, Arcade
ばい菌(ばいきん): a germ じゃーむ
こんにゃく: konnyaku
翻訳(ほんやく): Translation
需要(じゅよう): demand
電話(でんわ)ボックス: a telephone box
従う(したがう): obey, follow
オタク: Otaku, “nerd
専門用語(せんもんようご): technical terms
声優(せいゆう): a voice actor
定義(ていぎ): a definition
征服する(せいふくする): to conquer
闇の組織(やみのそしき): shadowy organization, shady group
草生える(くさはえる): lol (slung)

列に並ぶ(れつにならぶ): stand in a line

アンパンマン(for kids)

23.日本のメディアと、好きなテレビ番組(our favourite TV programmes)について

・近況報告 (update)

ずぶ濡れになる(ずぶぬれになる): to get soaked

びちょびちょ: soaked

ギリギリ: barely, just in time

不快(ふかい): uncomfortable

語る(かたる): to talk

生地(きじ): dough

おなかを壊す(おなかをこわす): to get an upset stomach

相当(そうとう): considerably

罪悪感を感じる(ざいあくかんをかんじる): to feel guilty


・日本のテレビについて (about Japanese TV programmes)

時事ネタ(じじねた): current affairs

話題(わだい): a hot topic

美女と野獣(びじょとやじゅう): Beauty and the Beast

芸人(げいにん): a comedian

デブ: fat

ブス・ブサイク(不細工): ugly

失礼(しつれい): rude

いじめ: bullying


毒舌(どくぜつ): sharp tongue

夜更かし(よふかし): staying up late

テロップ: captions, subtitles

編集(へんしゅう): editing

芸能界(げいのうかい): show business

師匠(ししょう): a master

早口(はやくち): a fast talker

分野(ぶんや): an area

議論(ぎろん): discussion

民放(みんぽう): commercial broadcasting

NHK: 日本放送協会(にほんほうそうきょうかい)

徴収する(ちょうしゅうする): to collect

ださい: uncool

話がそれる: to get off track

歴史上の人物(れきしじょうのじんぶつ): historical person

主人公(しゅじんこう): a main character

受験生(じゅけんせい): students studying for entrance examinations

第二次世界大戦(だいにじせかいたいせん): World War Two

時差(じさ): a time difference

そわそわする: to fidget

そろそろ: it’s about time ~

万全な状態で(ばんぜんなじょうたいで): be well prepared



マツコ・デラックス さん

明石家さんま さん







